The Best Frozen Shoulder Exercises To Get You Back To Daily Activities And Playing With Kids

Have you been suffering from a frozen shoulder and you’re desperate for it to end?

I understand how painful and difficult it is when you’re not able to move your arms freely and do the majority of the tasks you need to do on a daily basis.

Whether that’s carrying groceries, driving kids to school, working, or spending time with your family, a frozen shoulder can keep you away from doing all these things.

I appreciate how upsetting it is when your life is affected in so many ways and you’re in constant and excruciating pain.

This is why I’m here to tell you that there are things you can do to improve your frozen shoulder and eventually recover from it.

If you want to find out how to cure frozen shoulder quickly, you should read this blog and see what frozen shoulder exercises you can do at home.

How To Cure Frozen Shoulder Quickly

While your friends, family, or even doctors may have told you that the best cure for your frozen shoulder is to take painkillers and rest, or maybe use ice and heat, there are much better ways how to cure frozen shoulder quickly.

Painkillers and rest only weaken your body, joints, and muscles, which makes shoulder movements even more painful and you’ll end up discouraged from any sort of physical activity.

Instead, you should try frozen shoulder exercises that can initially hurt a little at first, but will slowly bring your mobility and range of motion back to their normal state.

Frozen Shoulder Exercises 

There are many exercises for frozen shoulder and whichever you choose, make sure that you know how to do them correctly as you don’t want to end up hurting yourself more.

Depending on the level of your pain and how stiff your shoulder is, you might not be able to do all of these exercises immediately, but with more practice, you will be able to stretch more and improve your mobility.

Here are some of the frozen shoulder exercises you can try to get pain relief and improve flexibility at home.

Best Exercises For Frozen Shoulder

Pendulum Exercise 

This exercise is fairly easy and even if you’re suffering from a severe frozen shoulder, you should be able to complete this exercise without any problems.

To start the exercise, you need to stand up and bend your body in the hips to 90 degrees. Then, rest one arm against the knee. Move the other arm back and forth and increase that swing range with every move.

You should continue this exercise for one minute and switch to the other side.

This is one of the easiest but best frozen shoulder exercises at it can significantly improve your range of motion.

Posterior Shoulder Capsule Stretch 

You might not recognize this exercise by its name, but you’ve definitely done it before during your warm-ups and cool-downs.

The good thing about exercises for frozen shoulder is that most of them are quite simple movements and don’t require any special equipment.

In this exercise, you simply pull your arm across your chest and hold your elbow with the other hand to stabilize this position.

You should hold that stretch for 30 seconds and then take a small few seconds break. Repeat a few times on each side.

Shoulder Rolls 

This exercise can be quite painful at first, but it works great for your stiff shoulders.

Start from standing up, then move your arm as high as you can towards your ears, and then move it backwards to squeeze your shoulder blades. Repeat a few times and do it on the other side as well.

If you’re experiencing too much pain while doing this exercise, you can take longer breaks in between stretches.

The Best Way How To Cure Frozen Shoulder Quickly 

While the above exercises for frozen shoulder are a great way to relieve some pain and stiffness from your shoulders, they aren’t enough to permanently fix your shoulder problem.

If you’re looking for a permanent relief for your frozen shoulder, then you should get the specialist help that you need to be able to recover fast and get back to doing all the things that you love.

As the leading shoulder pain expert in the Bay Area, I’ve worked with thousands of people treating their shoulder pain, and I can give you a set of frozen shoulder exercises and a customized treatment plan that will get you back to health permanently.

If you’re thinking whether physical therapy is right for you, then you can start from a several free options.

For more information on shoulder pain and various natural treatments, you can download our free advice report.

If you want to speak to us first, then you can schedule a free telephone consultation where you can speak to our expert team about your condition and see how we can help your and whether we are the right fit for you.

Finally, if you are ready to take the next step and speed up your recovery, you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where you can meet the team, see the facilities, and learn more about how we can help you fix your shoulder pain.

The most important thing is to choose one thing now before your pain completely takes control over your life and stops you from doing everything that you love.

More Free Advice On Shoulder Pain

If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on shoulder pain treatments then you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles where we talk about common mistakes, useful exercises for shoulder pain, and more information.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more updates on shoulder pain exercises and to see what’s been happening lately in our clinic.

You can also watch our YouTube videos where have useful content on how to do exercises correctly.

Read our blog to find out Why You Should Avoid Injections For Shoulder Pain And Use Natural Remedies Instead.

Find out How To Get Immediate Shoulder Blade Pain Relief Without Painkillers, Injections, Or Surgery.