How To Get Immediate Shoulder Blade Pain Relief Without Painkillers, Injections, Or Surgery

If you’ve been suffering from shoulder pain in your shoulder blade, I know how difficult it is to do certain things when you can’t move freely because of your pain.

Shoulder pain can affect your body in many ways, and I know how frustrating it is when you can’t work out, do your hobbies, or even pick up your kids or go to work.

You’ve probably tried some home remedies, putting ice or heat on your shoulders, or taking painkillers, but nothing worked.

I know how desperate you are to get quick relief from shoulder pain, but you might have been doing the wrong things and now you ended up even in more pain than before.

If this sounds like you, then you should read this blog to find out about the best strategies for shoulder blade pain relief, so you can get back to living your life pain-free.

Shoulder Blade Pain Relief Tactics

You’ve probably been told by your friends, family, or even your doctors that if you take some painkillers and rest for a while your pain will go away. 

Unfortunately, rest and medication weaken your body even more, so you don’t get better and instead end up slowing down your recovery. 

There are far better natural treatments that can help you recover from your shoulder injury fast. 

If you’re suffering from shoulder pain and looking for quick relief from shoulder pain, you can try some home remedies that can ease your pain. 

Ice Or Heat For Shoulder Pain 

One of the things that can give you quick relief from shoulder pain is ice or heat. 

Applying either ice or heat, or both can ease your pain as it relaxes your stiff joints and muscles, which may be the cause of your pain. 

Remember to wrap an ice pack or warm bottle in a towel before you apply it to your shoulder to avoid further injuries. 

While this may help in reducing your pain for a short while, you should still get checked by a specialist who can give you the right treatment plan for permanent pain relief. 

Correct Your Posture 

One of the simplest things you probably didn’t think of is your posture. 

If you’re experiencing pain in your shoulder blades then it may be caused by your poor posture.

It’s very common to get problems with shoulder and back pain when you have a desk job or generally sit for prolonged periods. 

Perhaps, you’ve been lifting heavy objects incorrectly and that also may have contributed to your shoulder pain. 

Working on your posture can be one of the easiest to implement shoulder blade pain relief strategies, so try it out and see if your pain got better.

Shoulder Blade Pain Relief Exercises 

Another thing you can try is doing some stretches and exercises for quick relief from shoulder pain at home. 

There are certain exercises like arm rolls, rotations, and other shoulder blade pain relief exercises that are fairly easy to do and may improve your condition. 

When stretching, it’s important to do it correctly as you don’t want to end up with even more pain. 

That’s why it’s best if you get help from a specialist who can show you how to do them and give you a personalized plan for your recovery. 

The Best Treatment For Shoulder Blade Pain Relief 

While the above solutions can bring you quick relief from shoulder pain, it’s unlikely that they will help you recover from your pain permanently. 

Instead, you should seek expert help and get an appropriate treatment plan to stop this frustrating pain for good. 

As the leading shoulder pain expert in the Bay Area, I’ve worked with thousands of people treating shoulder pain naturally. 

If you’re ready to make some changes to improve your condition, you can start with several free options. 

For more information on shoulder pain, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together all the relevant information on shoulder pain treatments. 

If you want to speak to our expert team, you can schedule a free telephone consultation where you can ask us any questions you have and we can learn more about you to see if we are the right fit for you.

Finally if you are ready to take the next step, you can come and see us for a free discovery visit where you can learn more about us, see the facilities, and talk to the leading shoulder pain expert about your problem.

The most important thing is to choose one of these things now before the pain gets so agonizing you’re not able to do anything at all.

You deserve a chance at a life without pain.

More Free Advice On Shoulder Pain

If you’re looking for more free advice on shoulder pain then you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more free information and to see what’s been happening in our clinic.

You can also watch videos on our YouTube channel where we show you how to do exercises correctly and give out tips on staying active.

Read our expert blog to find out Why You Should Avoid Injections For Shoulder Pain And Use Natural Remedies Instead.

Find out what The Best Frozen Shoulder Exercises To Get You Back To Daily Activities And Playing With Kids are in our expert article.